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About BeasGirl.Com

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

BeasGirl.Com is an awesome, little retail shop. 

Here you will find old fashioned soaps, foods, unique and fine personal care products, apparel, and more.

Beas Girl has something nice for the entire family. 


It is Beas Girl mission to provide you with outstand communication and customer service. 

Beas Girl gives back. A portion of Beas Girl profits go to various charities or persons in need. 

For every gift box purchased, Beas Girl will donate a mini gift box to someone in need.

Pack an order with Beas Girl today!


Beas Girl Story

My mother's name is Beatrice; Bea for short. I am the 12th and

next to the youngest child of my parents. 


I like to say that I get my looks and giving heart from my mama and my creativity from my daddy.  

I am the owner of Layde Aphrodite NatUrals LLC (LaN). 

LaN is the first company in the world to sell Raw African White Soap on Amazon Marketplace. 

BeasGirl.Com is one of my many brands and websites. Handcrafting fine, plant based personal care products is what I do. My latest passion is creating beautiful handmade treats and foods. 

My businesses are homebased, right here on the Coast Of Alabama 

I'd like to thank you in advance for supporting my small business. 

I look forward to exceeding your expetations. 


Beas Girl


USDA Certified Organic

Est African Shea Nilotica Butter



Raw African White Soap (RAWS)
Soft Soap. Raw African Black Soap Alternative


Moor Mud

Ancient Beauty Rituals


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